AAAAA Private Home Health Care


Post Super Bowl Detox

Post Super Bowl Detox

Private Home Care hopes that everyone enjoyed the Superbowl! We understand that we all overeat and drink sometimes, and the Super Bowl is no exception. Here are some tips to beat the bloat, clear the brain fog, and get back on track! #health #brainhealth #nutrition

  1. Drink plenty of water with lemon. Flush out your system and re-hydrate!
  2. Get rid of leftovers so you are not tempted to continue eating unhealthy foods.
  3. Eat fiber-rich foods for breakfast like oatmeal that will help you stay feeling full. 
  4. Eat lean proteins like eggs or chicken soup to help you feel re energized.
  5. Antioxidants!! Consume plenty of fruits and veggies rich in antioxidants like kale, berries and tomatoes.

Posted in: Healthcare

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