AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

It is National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day!

In 1957, Two engineers, Marc Chavannes and Alfred Fielding, created the first bubble wrap, first trying to sell it as wallpaper and later marketing it as greenhouse insulation. The rest is history.

Though it is meant to be used as padding for shipping items, bubble wrap has a cult following for another reason. It is fun to pop! And, it has been proven to help with focus and be a great stress reliever. There is something irresistible about popping bubble wrap. Some experts believe it’s similar to the need to fidget. Do you click a pen or bounce your leg while you’re listening? While some people think fidgeting is distracting, it’s actually been shown to increase attention span. It also helps with the retention of information. Similarly, a study revealed that people report feeling more alert after popping bubble wrap.

On this Monday morning, Private Home Health Care encourages you to sharpen your focus and pop bubble wrap!

Posted in: Healthcare

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