AAAAA Private Home Health Care


National Avocado Day

Yes! It is finally here – National Avocado Day!

In recent years avocados have become very popular – and for good reason. Not only are they creamy and delicious, but they are very healthy!

Did you know that avocados are not a vegetable, rather they are a fruit! Also, because it’s a fleshy fruit produced from a single ovary, an avocado is actually a berry! (And we do LOVE berries at Private Home Care!)

Although avocados may be a little higher in fat than most fruits, they are still a very healthy food! This is because it is the type of fat found in avocados matters. Avocados contain mostly ‘good’ fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Avocados do have a small amount of saturated fat (the unhealthy fat), but the high level of fiber in the fruits in a way counterbalances that because fiber is known for lowering cholesterol. Because avocados are higher in fat, be sure to be aware of the portion size (meaning it may not be the best idea to consume 4 avocados a day).

P.S. Please note in the video how they are SAFELY cutting open avocados. Rest it on the cutting board and turn the avocado against the knife blade, then break open. Unfortunately, every year many people end up injuring themselves because they tried cutting open an avocado in their hand. Enjoy this delicious food safely!

Posted in: Healthcare

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