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Healthy Habits for Thanksgiving

Healthy Habits for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a special holiday where we give thanks and express our gratitude for all that we have in life. It is a time of year to gather with loved ones around the table and enjoy decadent Thanksgiving dishes such as turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pie, and other festive foods. This holiday is centered around food, and it can be easy to overeat to an unhealthy extent. While it is ok to enjoy Thanksgiving indulgences, it is important to be mindful of what and especially how you are eating. When we overload on calories, our blood sugar spikes and then drops, which results in feeling tired and sluggish. By design, our bodies crave food for energy when we are feeling fatigued. High amounts of salt, sugar and saturated fats can make us bloated and uncomfortable. All of these effects carry over into the next day, and contribute to weight gain.

Eating healthy at Thanksgiving does not at all mean opting out of your favorite foods! Private Home Health Care always encourages striving for balance, and though Thanksgiving is a day of indulgence, it is possible to find a middle ground. The key to doing Thanksgiving right is mindfulness and having a strategy. By mindfulness we mean focusing on how you are eating and celebrating the holiday. Here are some strategies for Thanksgiving:

-Do not skip breakfast. We repeat – do not skip breakfast or any meals! When you miss a meal, you are more likely to overeat later. By eating a nice, healthy breakfast with plenty of protein and fiber, blood sugar is stable, and the metabolism keeps running at a normal speed. The metabolism slows when you skip meals and does not burn calories as effectively. We recommend a plant based breakfast that is light but filling, such as oatmeal with nuts, a JuicePlus smoothie or tofu scramble.

-Stay hydrated! It can be easy to forget to drink water throughout the busy day, but it is so important for healthy digestion, energy levels, and overall well being. This is especially so when consuming alcohol, try to drink a glass of water for every alcoholic beverage. When we are dehydrated, we are more likely to overeat because the body can confuse thirst with hunger.

-Slow it down: take your time when eating. Enjoy every bite, savor the flavors and textures of a delicious Thanksgiving meal. Take small bites, chew slowly and put your fork down often. Breathe deep and let yourself relish the moment. Sip water throughout the meal. You can even wear a watch to remember to pace yourself.

-Half and two quarters rule: Aim to load up half of your plate with veggies, a quarter with protein, and a quarter with carbs. Also, no matter how hungry you are, try not to fill up on bread or appetizers!

-Bite-sized is best: With so many delicious options, it can be easy to overload your plate. For those who have eyes bigger than our stomachs, serve yourself a two-bite sized portion of everything. If you really enjoy it, have another two-bite sized serving. 

-Second (or third) is not always best: Additional helpings leads to overeating. If you are tempted, wait at least 20 minutes before refilling your plate because that is the amount of time it takes for your stomach to signal to your brain that you are full. 

-Walk it out: Try your best not to pass out on the couch after Thanksgiving dinner, but rather to go for a light walk. This helps with digestion, gives you a break from eating, and distracts in case you are tempted to overeat. It can be a good idea to even get two walks in on Thanksgiving day – one in the morning to give you a break from cooking and prepping, and one after.

-Tea party: With so many delicious options, it is not hard to go overboard on dessert. Make yourself a hot cup of tea right before beginning the dessert course. It can help both with pacing yourself while you indulge in pies, cookies and cakes, as well as aid with digestion. Peppermint or ginger tea are great options.

-No pressure: do not let anyone pressure you to have another serving, a bigger serving, or eat more than you are comfortable with. Some homes and cultures emphasize finishing your entire plate, but that is where mindfulness comes in – start with a two-bite serving of everything, that way no one is offended that you did not eat. Another strategy to try if there are comments made is to change the subject and politely offer to refill drinks – everyone will take you up on that. If Aunt Carol keeps insisting that you try her (questionable) hot dog jello salad, kindly say that you will try it in a little while because you are so full, after some time passes she will most likely forget. 

-Leave it for leftovers: If you really loved something but are full, save it for later. There are always plenty of Thanksgiving leftovers and they are just as tasty the day after!

-Keeping drinking: Sip water throughout the entire day, especially in the hours following the meal. Continue to hydrate the day after for healthy digestion and to keep your system fresh. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout both days, but more is better.  

-Stay smiling: You tried not to, but ended up overeating this year at Thanksgiving, and that is ok! Do not beat yourself up or feel guilty about it, this happens to everyone occasionally. Stay smiling, remember gratitude in that you were able to enjoy such a delicious feast, and move on! During the next day or two, make extra effort to hydrate, get plenty of rest, and go for light walks.

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National Epilepsy Awareness Month

November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month, which brings attention to a condition affecting more than 1 million in the United States. Currently this condition has no cure, and continued research is needed. That is Epilepsy Awareness Month continues to make a difference in November and all year long. Since epilepsy is the 4th most common neurological disease, it impacts everyone. The condition does not discriminate. While anyone of any age and any population develop epilepsy, it is more common in children and the elderly. Epilepsy can last from a few years to a lifetime condition. Private Home Health Care supports National Epilepsy Awareness Month because epilepsy should not be a barrier to living a high quality life.

What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological condition that affects the nervous system. Epilepsy is also known as a seizure disorder. It is usually diagnosed after a person has had at least two seizures (or after one seizure with a high risk for more) that were not caused by some known medical condition. Seizures seen in epilepsy are caused by disturbances in the electrical activity of the brain. The seizures in epilepsy may be related to a brain injury, genetics, immune, brain structure or metabolic cause, but most of the time the cause is unknown.

Most types of epilepsy can be controlled with medication, men, and women with epilepsy work and live healthy productive lives when they maintain treatment. However, they may face discrimination due to their condition. Throughout the month, the goal is to eliminate the stigma and fear surrounding epilepsy. The National Epilepsy Foundation encourages people to start talking about epilepsy because with more voices together, a greater change can be created. The foundation also maintains that more people need to know Seizure First Aid. Knowing the three words “Stay. Safe. Side.” and what they mean can help save lives. Additionally, seizures can affect the quality of life and one third of epilepsy patients experience uncontrolled seizures. Increased awareness can support raising funds for epilepsy research which can help improve treatments and one day find a cure.

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National Seatbelt Day

November 14th 2020 was the second annual National Seat Belt Day. Most newer cars have a special seat belt safety feature – that annoying beep when you start your car that does not stop until you buckle your seatbelt or a blinking light. With one simple click of a seat belt, lives can be saved and serious injuries can be prevented. The date, Nov. 14, coincides with the 60th anniversary of Volvo’s creation of the three-point seat belt, a major safety innovation that’s been credited with saving millions of lives. The Swedish carmaker created the three-point seat-belt system in 1959 and it has since become the global standard.

Seat belts have been common in America for decades, though widespread use is a more recent occurrence. Seat belt laws vary from state to state, so be sure to be familiar with your state’s laws, as well as the laws of any state you’re visiting. According to the GHSA (Governors Highway Safety Association) , reported seat belt use has skyrocketed in recent years, increasing from 58% in 1994 to 90% in 2018. Meanwhile, refusing to wear a seat belt remains incredibly dangerous, with 47% of passenger fatalities occurring to individuals not wearing seatbelt. The importance of seatbelts cannot be understated. If you are driving in a car with someone who is not wearing a seatbelt, do not be afraid to speak up, and they will thank you for reminding them. According to the CDC, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among those ages 1-54 in the U.S, and buckling up reduces that risk by half. The bottom line is that seat belts are undeniably helpful for increasing the safety of drivers and passengers.

Here are some quick facts about the history of seat belts in America:

-In 1968, car manufacturers were required to have seat belts in new cars

-New York was the first state to require primary seat belt use in 1984-35 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have primary seat belt laws

-15 states have secondary laws for adult front seat occupants-Not wearing a seat belt is a primary or secondary offense in 49 American states

-New Hampshire is the only state where adults (18 and over) do not have to wear seat belts

Remember – you are never in too much of a rush to buckle your seat belt. Seatbelts really do save lives and prevent injury. It is also key to make sure that you are wearing your seatbelt correctly so that it will provide the highest level of protection. Seatbelts are to fit snugly – not too tight, not too loose. Fasten the buckle fully and make sure that both straps are where they should be, which is across the chest and hips. Making sure that a seatbelt is in the right place makes a difference in the efficacy and level of protection.

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Antibiotic Awareness Week

This week is World Antibiotic Awareness Week. It is an annual observance that highlights the steps everyone can take to improve antibiotic prescribing and use.

Antibiotics can save lives and are critical tools for treating a number of common and more serious infections, like those that can lead to sepsis. At least 28% of antibiotics prescribed in U.S. outpatient settings are unnecessary and each year, enough prescriptions are written in outpatient settings to give five out of every six people one antibiotic prescription.

Any time antibiotics are used, they can cause side effects and contribute to the development of antibiotic resistance, one of the most urgent threats to the public’s health.

Antibiotic resistance happens when germs, like bacteria and fungi, develop the ability to defeat the drugs designed to kill them. Each year in the United States, more than 2.8 million infections from bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics occur and more than 35,000 people die as a direct result. Many more die from complications from antibiotic-resistant infections.

Though antibiotics are a safe treatment that doctors have been using for decades to fight infections and disease, it is important to be mindful of their use. When we take antibiotics, it kills the bad bacteria that is causing the infection, as well as good bacteria. We need good bacteria in our systems to keep our bodies functioning optimally. Taking probiotics while on antibiotics is a smart move because it helps balance the bacteria in the body, so that there are still good bacteria in the gut. It is also important to take antibiotics exactly as prescribed to decrease the risk of developing resistance. This means taking them for the entire length prescribed, because some patients tend to stop taking their antibiotics when they start feeling better, but the infection can come back even stronger. Foods that are high in probiotics include: yogurt, kefir, kimchi, pickles, sauerkraut, miso, kombucha, and cottage cheese. Probiotics can come in many forms, as supplements and powders. Always ask your doctor for advice as to what is the healthiest choice for you!

World Antibiotic Awareness Week aims to increase awareness of global antibiotic resistance and to encourage best practices among the general public, health workers and policy makers to avoid the further emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance.One of the key objectives of the plan is to improve awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance through effective communication, education and training.

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Tomorrow, November 14th, is National Pickle Day! In the U.S., the first thing that comes to mind for pickled foods is, well, pickles! Dill, Kosher, Polish, Gherkin, Bread and Butter, Cornichon or any other varieties of pickles are celebrated on this day! The pickles as we know them are cucumbers that are soaked in a brine of vinegar, salt, water, and spices. The term pickle comes from the Dutch word ‘pekel’, meaning brine. In the United States, the word pickle typically refers to a pickled cucumber. However, just about any fruit or vegetable can be pickled, such as cabbage, beets, or asparagus.

Did you know that pickled foods are actually very good for you? They have natural probiotics from the fermentation process. Studies show that fermented foods like pickles, sauerkraut, and kimchi are loaded with gut health-promoting probiotics. Probiotics are made up of good bacteria that helps keep your body healthy and working well. The main job of probiotics, or good bacteria, is to maintain a healthy balance in your body. Think of it as keeping your body in neutral. When you are sick, bad bacteria enters your body and increases in number. This knocks your body out of balance. Good bacteria works to fight off the bad bacteria and restore the balance within your body, making you feel better. Good bacteria keeps you healthy by supporting your immune function and controlling inflammation.

Fermentation produces probiotic bacteria as a byproduct of the process, which are beneficial for diversifying gut flora and bolstering your health in numerous ways. Research suggests that probiotics may promote clearer skin, better immune function, increased gastrointestinal health, and could even reduce depression. The fermentation process ups good bacteria while getting rid of the bad, which is why it’s so prevalent in many traditional food preparation techniques stemming from a time without refrigeration.

Who knew that pickles are much more than just a crunchy snack and favorite sandwich companion?! A whole Dill pickle contains 23% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin K, which helps your blood clot and keeps your bones strong, as well as 21%-24% of the daily value for vitamin A, important for your vision, immune system, and a healthy pregnancy.

In honor of National Pickle Day, crack open a jar and get snacking for your daily dose of probiotics!

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Omega-3 and Diet

Diet has an enormous impact on heart health. Dr. Esselstyn, a world renowned doctor, is a pioneer of a diet-based approach for cardiac disease treatment and prevention. In his book, “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease”, he states “If you eat to save your heart, you eat to save yourself from other diseases of nutritional extravagance: from strokes, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis, adult-onset diabetes, and possibly senile mental impairment, as well. You gain protection from a host of other ailments that have been linked to dietary factors, including impotence and cancers of the breast, prostate, colon, rectum, uterus, and ovaries.” Dr Esseylstien preaches a WFPD (Whole Foods Plant Based Diet), that is rich in plant-based omega-3’s as an important part of preventing and reversing heart disease.

The benefits of Omega-3’s for cardiovascular health are well known throughout the medical community and are now recognized amongst the public. Omega-3’s also include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA are the marine forms of omega-3s, commonly found in cold-water fatty fish like salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel. These fatty acids can be made from ALA in the body, but the conversion rate isn’t good. Because of this and the fact that EPA and DHA are strongly correlated with cardiovascular disease prevention, getting EPA and DHA through a nutritious diet and supplements is the best bet.

But wait, doesn’t Dr. Esselstyn, a heart health guru, promote a plant based diet? How are we supposed to get omega-3’s if we do not eat fatty fish? Let’s take a closer look at the food chain. Because fish aren’t able to produce EPA and DHA, they get it by eating microalgae. Seaweed and algae also supply EPA and DHA. Thus, algae are the true sources of the omega-3 fats in fish. This means that we can bypass fish and seafood for our omega-3 needs and instead consume algae and seaweed. In fact, eating fatty fish can sometimes not be as beneficial to our bodies as previously supposed due to pollutants in oceans and bodies of water. This means that some of the best sources of omega essential fatty acids are from algae produced in clean, pure ways. For instance, the omega vitamins in JuicePlus supplements are processed in an environment free of contaminants, and is cold pressed, so that none of the nutrients are destroyed from heat. JuicePlus Omega is unique in that it contains omega 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9, whereas in most drug stores and even health food specialty stores, you can only find omega 3, 6 and sometimes 9. In addition to algae, the best plant based sources of omega-3’s are chia seeds, avocados, flax seeds, brussel sprouts, hemp seed, walnuts, and perila oil.

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Omegas are Essential

Today we are talking about the popular nutritional buzzword ‘Omegas’. Omegas fatty acids are essential fats that have numerous health benefits. Essential fats are compounds that for the most part cannot be made naturally in the body, and are essential for maintaining the systems in the body in best working order. They have to be consumed through outside sources like food and supplements. There are several types of omega’s, including omega 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9. The different types of omegas offer different health benefits. The reason why the omegas are designated with numbers has to do with their chemical structure. An important function of omegas is that they help reduce inflammation, and all disease starts with inflammation on a cellular level. If we can prevent or treat inflammation then that means that on a larger scale we can do the same for disease, especially chronic diseases that are preventable like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Omega-3’s are the most researched and popular of the omega family. They play an important role in supporting our most vital organs: the brain and the heart. They protect the lining of the brain by nourishing brain cells and maintaining the connections between those cells that the brain uses for information processing and moving limbs. Omega-3s are also vital for our brain cells – and all our cells – to make the energy they need in order to function. This promotes cognitive health in seniors, by alleviating mild memory problems associated with aging, as well as improving focus. Omegas support cardiovascular health by improving blood lipids and supporting cardiac longevity. They clear plaque in the heart vessels, which helps keep them from constricting. This is a main mechanism behind heart disease because when blood is not reaching the heart, then a heart attack occurs. Omega-3’s also promote a healthy pregnancy by supporting normal fetal brain and eye development, as well as a healthy birth weight. In addition, studies have shown that it can help with mental health and emotional vulnerabilities by improving mood and affect.

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National Go to an Art Museum Day

National Go to an Art Museum Day

Today is National Go to an Art Museum Day! Art museums are wonderful places to visit and community resources. Where else would you get access to thousands of pieces of priceless art?! Everyone has different tastes, and art is all about exploration—in fact, that’s why we celebrate Go to an Art Museum Day on November 9th. More than 30,000 museums around the world participate, and each year even has a different theme. So today, go to a museum and discover something new!

Not only are art museums important centers for culture, but there are health benefits of going to art museums! Recent studies have shown that engaging with the visual arts can actually improve stress, memory, and empathy, whether by viewing art or creating it.

The benefits of viewing art are countless. According to a study conducted by the University of Westminster, participants who visited an art gallery on their lunch break reported feeling less stressed afterwards. They had lower concentrations of cortisol, the stress hormone, from just 35 minutes spent roaming the gallery. In a similar vein, science says viewing and creating art also helps alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

There is a link between reduced risk cognitive decline and visiting art museums. The brain is like a muscle in that it needs to be exercised in order to be kept strong and in top working order. Experiencing art and learning about art stimulates the brain. This strengthens existing neural pathways and creates new ones, which is key to fending off cognitive decline. An often overlooked but important component of maintaining a healthy brain while aging is social interactions. This combats the adverse effects of isolation, which many seniors experience. Art museums provide safe, public spaces to interact with others in a meaningful way and feel connected to a community. 

Frequenting art museums can also help you live longer! A recent study in the U.K. revealed that not only do artistic and cultural activities make life more enjoyable, but also prolong our lives – so dance, paint and sing as your heart desires.

The study found that paying regular visits to museums, art galleries, theaters and concerts reduced the risk of early death by 31%, adding to existing evidence that the arts can benefit one’s health. They found that people who participated in such leisurely activities once or twice a year enjoyed a 14% lower risk of premature death than those who have never engaged in art.

Looking at art also causes people to experience joy, akin to the sensation of falling in love. Neurobiologist Semir Zeki scanned 28 volunteers’ brains as they looked at art and noticed an immediate release of dopamine, the chemical related to love and pleasure.

Additionally, visiting the gallery has been found to relieve people of mental exhaustion, the same way the outdoors can. As stated in Jan Packer’s study on the benefits of museum experiences, the four factors that contribute to mental restoration (fascination, being away, compatibility, and extent) are commonly found in both natural environments and museums, making it an ideal work break. Art museums can also be good exercise! The winding galleries and wide display rooms provide ample space to roam around. There are also plenty of benches when you need to rest, and most museums are wheelchair accessible.  

Today, on National Go to an Art Museum Day, we invite you to, of course, go to an art museum! Often during visits people discover new types of art that they connect to, and learn more about not only the art itself, but history, psychology, and themselves.

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Cappuccinos for Cognition!

Yesterday was National Cappuccino Day! A cappuccino is an espresso-based coffee made with a smaller amount of steamed milk and a thick layer of foam. It has a bold taste and the most preferred variety. It originates from Italy, where early variations were consumed starting in the 1600’s. Espresso was popularized by the invention of the espresso machine. In 1901, Luigi Bezzera filed the first patent in Italy. After WWII, the espresso machine’s popularity spread beyond Italy into the rest of Europe. In the 1990’s, Starbucks helped launch the cappuccino into popularity in North America. The word cappuccino comes from the Capuchin friars and is a form of the word cappuccio in Italian, meaning hood or something that covers the head. Interestingly enough, this popular coffee beverage got its name not from the hood on their habits but instead from the color of the hooded robes that the friars wore. 

Not only are cappuccinos delicious, they are healthy for you! It has been proven for years that drinking coffee and espresso has many health benefits. Coffee beans have a high level of antioxidants that play an important role in promoting good health and wellness. Antioxidants are substances that can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals, unstable molecules that the body produces as a reaction to environmental and other pressures. All disease and illness starts on a cellular level, so if the cells are kept healthy with antioxidants, then the risk of disease is reduced. 

Studies reveal that a cup of cappuccino up to 180 ml a day can significantly prevent the oxidization of bad cholesterol and prevent heart problems. It also lowers the chances of a stroke by 20 per cent and take it without sugar, to keep blood sugars under control. It also assists in digestion.

One reason why we love cappuccinos at Private Home Care is because coffee promotes healthy aging by preventing or slowing cognitive decline. It is well-researched that coffee helps stimulate the brain by improving focus, memory, mood, energy, and general mental function. But what most of us don’t know is that frequent consumption of coffee can as well prevent cognitive decline related to mental anomalies such as Alzheimer’s disease. Almost two-thirds of Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease are women. But the caffeine in two cups of coffee may provide significant protection against developing the condition. In fact, researchers found that women aged 65 and older who drank two to three cups of coffee a day were less likely to develop dementia in general.

There are several theories on how coffee can help prevent or better yet, protect cognitive decline. The caffeine in coffee prevents beta-amyloid plaque build-up. The plaque can contribute to the beginning as well as the progression of Alzheimer’s. Also, researchers theorise that since a regular cup of coffee can keep dietary diabetes away (a dementia risk factor), it can also be said to minimise the danger of developing dementia.

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National Candy Day

November 4th was National Candy Day.

Whether it be chocolate bars, gummies, hard candies, sour sweets or anything in between, satisfy your sweet tooth to your heart’s content for National Candy Day on November 4th. Even those who say that they don’t particularly care for candy do indeed have at least one favorite. If you ask anyone about their favorite candy, you’ll see that light in their eyes as they sweetly reminisce all about the ‘good old days’. 

Can candy be good for your memory? 

Though candy is certainly not a health food, scientists at Harvard have found in some instances that candy can help revive memories! Often people have memories of their favorite sweets from childhood, and eating those same treats in later years can trigger happy memories. This is especially so for peppermint candies, because mint has a strong scent and flavor known to make you alert, which makes an impression on memory.

There is a part of the brain called the hippocampus (one in each hemisphere) that is critical for memory. The hippocampus has strong connections with parts of the brain that are important for emotion and for smell. This may explain why emotional memories can be so vivid or why certain smells trigger a sense of recall in us even before we consciously remember an event.

Emotion and smell no doubt contribute to the power of some food memories, but it is the hippocampus that has a more direct connection digestive system. Many of the hormones that regulate appetite, digestion, and eating also have receptors in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the mechanism responsible for candy-related memories. 

Evolution could be the reason behind why childhood candy bars revoke memories from younger years. Our primate ancestors were fruit seekers and eaters, the sweetness of candy pushes a button in our brains—we have a natural sweet tooth. Upon eating a highly appealing sweet food, the reward centers of our brains are activated. The neurotransmitter dopamine has a key role in the brain biology of reward, but dopamine pathways are also involved in many other brain functions. One of these functions, via the hippocampus, is turning short term memories into long term ones. The brain’s reward mechanisms serve to motivate certain actions and behaviors. This would not work very well if motivation was not reinforced by memory.

Another connection between candy and memories is that for a child, candies and candy bars are often a special treat. This alone could make eating them a memorable experience. In addition, those candies can also be associated with special childhood occasions, such as candy canes at Christmas celebrations, chocolate eggs at Easter, or visiting a favorite aunt who always treated you with your favorite caramel candies. Neuroscience says that emotion and novelty tend to make events more memorable, and those tied in some way with food may make for even more powerful memories. 

Celebrate candy and happy childhood candy-related memories by enjoying sweets on National Candy Day! Private Home Care sends sweet wishes to you and yours!

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